Delta Scholarship Golf Classic
Please contact Holly Yeatman via email or call 479-575-5726 to be added to the waitlist.

24th Annual Delta Scholarship Golf Classic
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Presented by CSES Alumni and Friends
Join CSES Alumni and Friends for their annual Delta Scholarship Golf Classic!
Check-in opens at 7:30 a.m. Play begins at 9:00.
Please contact Holly Yeatman via email or call 479-575-5726 to be placed on the waitlist.
Proceeds from the Delta Scholarship Golf Classic go to support students in the Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences. With the support of alumni and friends like you, CSES has awarded more than $480,000 in scholarships to 163 deserving students.
What does your tournament entry cost include?
- Play-through lunch on July 18
- Access to travel bar
- Green fee and Cart fee
- Range Balls
Please note: you can purchase mulligans during registration. If you want to purchase mulligans at the tournament, you must pay with cash or check
Contact Information:
Holly Yeatman, CSES Recruiting Coordinator
Darrin Malone, Tournament Director
Sponsorships for this event are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. The receipt of your payment is considered a gift to the University of Arkansas and is non-refundable. Should you wish to decline any goods or services received as part of this donation, you must do so at the time the gift is made.
*CSES Alumni and Friends reserve the right to cancel an event due to low registrations, inclement weather or other circumstances that would make the event nonviable.
Corporate Sponsor
- No Teams (Fair Market Value $0)
- One Team (Fair Market Value $340)
- Two Teams (Fair Market Value $680)
Hole Sponsor
$500- $1,100
- No Teams (Fair Market Value $0)
- One Team (Fair Market Value $340)
Team Sponsor
- One four-man team (Fair Market Value $340)
Thank you to our corporate sponsors!