Student Study Abroad Testimonials
Dr. Vibha Srivastava and Dr. Mary Savin led a study tour to India in January 2017. The group visited farms, markets, college campuses, a sugar mill, cottage industries, historical sites, and temples in 6 different cities in northern India.
Ghent, Belgium
Lauren Ortega, ENSW '17, spent her semester in Ghent, the capital of Belgium, focusing on sustainable and environmentally conscious agricultural methods. This program also features trips around Europe to give students multiple learning opportunities across varying fields of study.
Edinburgh, Scotland
Kaylee Rice, ESWS, spent part of her summer in 2015 at Scotland’s Rural College in Edinburgh, Scotland. Kaylee said, “My absolute favorite day of our study abroad experience was bird ringing day. We caught small birds and tagged them for future tracking.”
Zachary Tipton, an ESWS major and Chinese minor, has embraced the challenges of learning a second language and has been accepted to attend the Princeton in Beijing (PiB) program.